Monday, February 14, 2011

Living in the Snow

This past week has been busy!  It's been really nice having Michael visiting us, hopefully it's not too quiet for him!  Monday and Tuesday were quiet days as the weather remained poor, while it didn't snow on Monday it did again on Tuesday.  This is the first time since we have been here that we have had snow on top of snow.  Its nice to be inside!! 
Snow on snow, you can see the depth on the fence post - about 10". It's so nice when the sun comes out, very beautiful..

Tuesday night, both Tom & Mike went bowling but at different places, but both were $1.00 a game!  The shoe hire cost more!!  And I was invited to a 'Bunco' night!!  My friend Dixie rang me and asked me if I would like to have a unique American experience!  Well, I have been inside for two days and was open for it!  Her friend Eileen picked me up and what a night!!  This group of 12 women are all from this neighbourhood and have been meeting for years once a month for Bunco.  They were all grandma's except one, so I fitted in nicely there.  There was lovely food, then the serious game began:  There are 3 tables of 4 people, each in teams of 2.  You take turns throwing 3 dice, in the first round you need to throw a 1, the second round a 2, etc.  If you do, you go again, each time someone is scoring.  The first team to get to 21 wins and moves onto the next table, but switching partners so you are constantly meeting new people at your table.  If you throw 3 of the same number eg 3 x 5's you have a 'funco'.  If you throw 3 of the number you are going for in the round, you have 'bunco' and win the round. We played 18 rounds!! It was alot of fun and I got to talk to everybody about what we are doing here, about Australia, the differences and so on. At the end of the evening, prizes were given out for the most Bunco's, Funco's, wins, losses.  I didn't win anything, but had a really fun night.  I am constantly impressed at how friendly people are.   Thanks Dixie!

Wednesday was the last art session for this block. There is a 3 week break before the next block starts :(  I was able to finish collaging and then complete the painting at home before driving with Michael out to see where the Temple was. Then after school, Tom, Brooke and Kelland took Michael sledding until it was dark.

My watercolour teacher Chuck Dansford demonstrating the collage technique. Now, go and do it!!
Finished. Lighthouse at Novia Scotia. My rocks were all a bland colour, so I had to lighten the top ones to reflect the sunlight.  I was finally happy with it in the end.
Chuck Danford is a noteable artist here in Denver, his paintings are simply beautiful, and I am totally inspired!  His work is worth taking a look at:

On Thursday, the exchange league here put on a 'lunch bunch' for the spouses of the Aussie teachers here in Denver.  So I thought I would make the effort and go.  I had some pastry I had made still frozen in the freezer, so made some sausage rolls to take, which were a hit.. I took Michael with me, not really knowing what it was going to be like, and very bravely, together negotiated the freeway and found the right place!  The lunch was held at 'Bunnie's' home. Bunnie turned out to be a very sweet retired teacher who did an exchange in Australia prior to her retirement over 10 years ago.  She is well travelled and had many stories to tell. There were about 10 others also with the exchange league besides the four of us 'spouses'.  (All women except one gentleman) When I realised, I said to Michael,"sorry!!"  But he was such a good sport and mixed it well with them all, telling them about the floods in Brisbane and life in Australia.  The ladies loved him!!  For me, it was great to catch up with the other wives and compare notes and funny experiences we have had adjusting..  We left in time to get home for the kids, but missed the freeway entrance and got a bit lost.  But heading for the hills (mountains actually), we found the familiar track and saw a bit more of Denver in the process.  Thanks Michael for being such a good sport!!

Waiting for a ride to Cub Scouts, a flock of geese land in the front.  The snow is slowly slowly melting..
After school, we raced down to a sports shop and grabbed some tickets to the Basketball for the boys and Rick, then I headed off to cubs!  That was fun, I have 2 webloes, that is two ten yr old boys.  We finished off the 'Artist' pin requirements.  Next week, we are working on communication.  I work with Cheryl, who lives 2 doors down, so that's handy!!
The boys caught a great game between the Denver Nuggets and Dallas Mavericks.  At 10 minutes to  go they were still down, but came back to win with a winning shot in the last second!! Intense.  Here is a link from Mike's FB, worth taking a look..
Friday, we decided to take up an offer advertised by the Ken Caryl Ranch to go skiing.  The bus & lift tickets were only $20 each!  A real bargain, so I got some, and when Rick came home we went and hired skis, then we just had to scramble around to find some extra ski pants.  By 9ish we had them thanks to helpful friends.

Nerissa and her little girl Charlotte came to visit and stayed overnight enroute to meeting up with some friends.  It was so nice seeing them and especially nice to have a little person around again.  Charlotte is a similar age to Zayla, only a few weeks older.  How I miss their antics!!
Charlotte sitting on the bench eating breakfast!  She sure is a cutee!!
The bus left the next morning at 8.30 and returned at 4.30!  What a hoot!  Here we are, complete rookies, not knowing a thing about skiing!!  Tom & Mike went off snowboarding and did really well, while Rick, Sarah & I caught the hang of skiing, by watching a ski class, but didn't completely master the stopping!!  Hilarious to watch, I'm sure.  I think we are the masters at crash landing in spectacular style!!  By lunctime we felt we had mastered the 'bunny' green hill, in that we were managing to stay on our feet, and felt ready to go on the ski lift to the next hill.  Well!  we were watching these little tackers going down without  poles, making it look easy!  Down I went, wow! You get crazy fast on skiis!  I managed to keep on my feet, veered to the left, the slope dropped away a bit and down I flew past Rick who had gone down.  I was going so fast all I could think of was, bend your knees, lean forward, keep your balance, don't fall, go with it.. Sarah said I looked like a pro going past her, but she didn't see the sheer terror showing on my face which I'm sure was there!!  Well, I managed to stay on my feet until I stopped, but my whole self was shaky!  Well I went down for one last run, keeping away from the steep side and then called it a day.  It was hard, but a lot of fun.  I greatly admire those who can ski, its a real skill, which I can see the 'natives'  probably start learning at a young age!!  We were exhausted once home, but Tom & Mike still managed the energy to go out to a YSA activity..
Getting ready to board the bus at the Ken Caryl Ranch House

Arriving at Eldora Ski Resort. Tom & Mike mastered these slopes on the snowboards!

Sarah looking good!  (well, the ski attendant at the top of the ski ramp thought so!)

Here we are, made it to the bottom!
Sorry, this is a bit wobbly.. need to hold the camera a bit more steady!!  (Actually, it was Sarah's lost pole being retrieved by Rick - I stand corrected!!)

I thought I would be clever and take a movie, but I felt myself slipping over the point of no return, so that was that, I had to save myself!!
Triumphant!  I'm still on my feet!!

Exhausted, sore ankle, had enough, can't go any further...

The boys are up there somewhere on snowboards..  Looks steep and tricky to me..

Comparing stories at the end of the day.. Sorry, no action shots to prove skill levels!!
Sunday found us all speaking in sacrament meeting!!  We did ok, had some lovely comments, and are glad that's over!!  We belong to a really friendly ward, which makes things a lot easier for us being here..
A successful Pavlova at high altitude!! (Still hadn't collapse 12hrs later)
We had the Mercer family over for dinner last night and I cooked roast beef and roast veges.  I used a recipe from the Australian Womens Weekly, which was delicious.  I got a bit muddled with the temperature conversion, so it took alot longer to cook, but got there in the end.. I also had a practise during the week making a pavlova.  Cooking at this high altitude is a little different and takes a bit of experimenting, also with ingredients that are slightly different, but I made a really successful pavlova on Saturday night and impressed myself!!  (Nerissa, it can be done, but can I do it again?)

Today is Nana's birthday.  She is 85 and doing well despite many heart scares and turns.  She continues to support us in all we do and knows and is interested in what we are up to.  We all have such a great love for Nana.  Today is also Valentine's Day.  It is a big thing in America it seems!!  Happy Valentines Day!

It is also Sarah's birthday this coming Thursday - sweet sixteen.. where did that time go?

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